Saturday, April 26, 2014

A little update on Momma & Ty..

Well, everything is still going pretty good. I went back to the doctor on Thursday and my doctor said he wants me to try and make it to 37 weeks to have Ty. I will be 36 tomorrow... So he could be here very soon! So exciting! I will start going to my doctor twice a week now. I go back on Monday! 

While I was there Thursday my blood pressure was a little high, so they sent me back to the Triage for blood work and more monitoring. My blood pressure went down a lot & my blood work came back good! So that was a blessing!!! I did get an ultrasound done while I was there & they said he was looking to weigh about 6 pounds 1 oz!! *Note* I was 5 pounds 15 ounces and was born at 40 weeks exactly. Baby Ty is clearly not taking after Momma! Tyler was 9 pounds. Yikes! Anyways, I had to do a 24 hr urine collection and had to bring it back the next night. It came back great as well! 

So, I am still on bed rest and I am not going to lie, it's been nice. I do get lonely, but I have been watching Sex & the City TV series and when I finish those I will begin Full House! I know, quite the opposite. Tyler has been absolutely amazing during this! He cooks, cleans, checks on me all the time. I am the luckiest girl in the whole wide world!!

I do want to thank a few people who have provided dinner for us! My mom made us several meals to last us for a while! Tyler's mom has made us dinners as well. My friend, Courtney, made us two breakfast casseroles. Our friends, Michael & Erin, brought us a meal tonight. We received a gift card to my favorite (Zaxbys) from Mrs. Loretta, a sweet woman that works with my mom. And Sunday night we have some sweet teachers from Coosada (2nd Grade Green Pod--y'all rock!) who are bringing us dinner!! Thank you so much to everyone from doing that--means so much to us!!! 

I have felt so loved during this entire pregnancy and I am so thankful for all the love and prayers I have received!!! All the texts, Facebook messages, etc. mean the world!!! Ty will be here soon & I cannot wait for everyone to meet him! 

Monday, April 21, 2014

A lot of resting ahead...

I am just doing a quick update to discuss my appointment today. 

Last weekend I started having some major swelling in my feet & mild swelling in my face. This morning I was not feeling like myself, so I got the nurse at school to check my blood pressure. Needless to say, it was pretty high. It was 150/90. Luckily I already had my 35 week appointment scheduled for today. I get to my appointment & my blood pressure had gone up to 152/90, and they had me rest on my left side to check it again. My nurse came in & said they wanted to send me to the hospital and do some blood work there. I get to the hospital & my blood pressure had skyrocketed to 173/92. And they hooked me up to the monitors to watch Baby Ty's heart and my blood pressure. Thankfully he looked perfect, but my doctor was concerned about Momma. They did blood work and checked my blood pressure every ten minutes. It started to go down, thankfully, and I just had to wait for the blood work results. It turns out I am anemic &  my iron levels are low. My swelling did not go down at all while I was there either. And my blood work had gone down to 134/76--which isn't ideal, but so much better! So I have been put on bed rest until Ty comes & have been told to eat a lot of red meat and protein. I can only drink water, (which is pretty much what I drink, minus the caffeine free coke), some juice, and milk. I am to only get up to shower, fix something to eat, and go to the bathroom. I am not to drive or go anywhere. It will be hard for me to just rest, but I will because I know I need to be healthy and I want Baby Ty to be healthy! Thankfully I have an amazing husband who will do anything and everything for me! And we have awesome parents who are going to cook us some meals as well. I did not think that I would be put on bed rest today, but I am thankful God is giving me this chance to rest! He sure knows I wouldn't do it any other way. I am going to miss my babies at school, but I know they will be in good hands!! I will keep everyone updated. My next appointment is this Thursday!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

6 Weeks and COUNTING!

It has been a while since I wrote on my blog--I have been super duper busy! The pregnancy is coming to an end and it is so bittersweet. I have so many feelings and thoughts--but I am so excited!!! Last time I wrote I was 31 weeks and now I am 34. A lot has happened since then! I had my first experience having to go Labor & Delivery.. not fun! I had a student at school who was running in the hallway & ran straight into my stomach. She hit pretty hard, so I called my doctor & he wanted me to come to Labor & Delivery just to be safe. So they hooked me up to the monitors and monitored Baby Ty's heartbeat and contractions (incase I had any.) Luckily, everything was fine and Baby Ty and I are great. It was scary, but I am so thankful we are okay. Tyler was such a trooper and it gave us a little taste of the drive and nerves going to the hospital! I am so blessed, I have one incredible husband!!!! Ty and I are very lucky!! Here is my update! 

How far along:  34 weeks, 1 day
Maternity clothes: I am rocking the maternity clothes all day, everyday!     
Total weight gain:  Well I started out at 145 and by the end of the 1st Trimester I was at 130. So I lost 15 pounds. I have gained that back, plus a few pounds. I am at 153 now!    
Stretch marks:  Still no stretch marks! Thankfully! :) 
Sleep: I have actually been sleeping pretty good! It takes me a little bit longer to fall asleep, but once I get comfortable--I sleep through the night with exception of my ONE bathroom break. I am praying I can continue to sleep like this for a few more weeks.      
Best moment this week: Well since I blogged the best moment was Spring Break! I NEEDED that week & it was so nice and relaxing! I had a doctors appt and found out Baby Ty was head down AND my placenta was where it needed to be!! Which was a huge change. Looks like as of a now the C-Section will not be needed!!!! Such a blessing! 
Miss anything: I still miss my speed. I got the waddle down now. It takes me longer to get places and to do things! Tyler has been so patient with me, did I mention how wonderful he was???
Movement: Dear gracious, yes. He moves A LOT. And now, the movements are so strong and big. Sometimes they are a little uncomfortable. He likes to roll his entire body from one side to other! 
Food cravings: None really.        
Anything make you sick or queasy:  Well, Baby Ty is taking up more room  so I get fuller quicker and then I get hungry. So I am eating smaller meals--more often. But if I wait too long I get queasy feeling. 
Labor signs: Nope. Just the occasional Braxton Hicks contractions. 
Belly Button in or out:  I just keep waiting for it to go from innie to outie. 
Wedding rings on or off:  Off :( Makes me so sad!!! 
Happy or Moody most of the time: I am so emotional. I feel like I cry all the time!   
Looking forward to:  Tomorrow is my work baby shower & Saturday we are having another 4D ultrasound. We won a free won a few weeks ago & the lady said she wanted to do it again because she didn't like the pictures!! 

Here are some pictures! 
This is a picture from our 1st 4D Ultrasound! He is so perfect! He has the cutest lips EVER!

Sweet student of mine & I on Dr. Seuss Day. He was my Cat in the Hat & Ty and I were Thing 1 and 2! 

Panoramic View of Ty's room! :) 

My sweet husband resting after working in Ty's room! :)