Thursday, February 27, 2014

Last post in the TWENTIES...

I am 28 weeks, 3 days and this will be my last post that I will be in the twenties of pregnancy!! My next post I will be 30 weeks. Holy. Guacamole. I cannot believe how fast these past few weeks have flown by. I am so ready to meet Ty. I talk to him all the time, and so does is SO cute. We have a had a great little family of 3. My 26th Birthday was Tuesday and it was such an emotional day. Note to all you pregnant women out there---try not to have a birthday and be pregnant! My hormones were going CRAZY and I cried all day. My mom sent me a text and posted a lot of older pictures.. I cried. Tyler had money waiting for me to get breakfast..I cried. My Chi Omega big sister, Destree, sent me a super sweet text..I cried. My sister, Hannah, posted a sentimental Instagram post..I cried. (P.S. Thank you for a hilarious post did NOT make cry, but made me laugh) Y'all, it was intense. I have gone through my whole pregnancy and NOT had the crazy emotions and all of sudden..IT HIT! Welcome to EMOTIONVILLE, USA Heather! Poor Tyler. So thankful for him. Anyways, here is my weekly/bi-weekly (depending on my mood) questionnaire! :)

How far along:  28 weeks, 3 days
Maternity clothes: Surprisingly I can still wear three of my regular pants, but I do have three maternity pants I wear as well. And my shirts are for the most part all maternity. I do not like the tightness on my stomach. Yuck!   
Total weight gain:  About 12 pounds.   
Stretch marks:  I am so thankful that I am still good in this department. My skin is super dry though, so I am still using Coca Butter all the time.  
Sleep: Eh, the bump is getting bigger therefore my back is hurting more & it is getting tougher to get comfy. Oh well, preparing me for when Baby Ty is here.     
Best moment this week: Being the Birthday Girl, I felt so special & loved. So thankful for amazing husband, family, & friends.  
Miss anything: Not really.     
Movement: Baby Ty is a mover! He moves when I am active or Tyler & I are talking. He also has started to "play" with Tyler. Tyler will be talking to him & push my stomach and Ty will push back. They are already best friends and it is super cute!   
Food cravings: I actually have. I always just put ham on my sandwiches--but for some reason I have been wanting mustard AND mayo on my sandwiches. And for those of you that know me…you know that is a big deal. I also have been craving fried okra & fried green tomatoes. Who knows? Oh, I also have REALLLLLLY wanted some Kripsy Kreme donuts. So if anyone ever wants to make my day…I like the glazed kind. :)      
Anything make you sick or queasy:  Today in the office someone had some garlic bread and it made me feel icky. It was VERY strong smell too. 
Labor signs: No--little early for that one. I am still having the Braxton Hicks contractions every now & then. 
Belly Button in or out:  I just keep waiting for it to go from innie to outie. 
Wedding rings on or off:  On--- but my fingers swell when I get hot & with this warm weather I am sure the day will come when I take them off.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have already addressed this one. Emotionville, USA. Geez. But when I am not all emotional..I am very happy!  
Looking forward to:  SPRING BREAK. This momma needs a BREAK! 

Ty's Dresser 
Ty's Carseat I got for my
Birthday from Mom! :) 
Some of Baby Ty's clothes! :) 

Ty's Bedding & Crib

This was just a fun activity we did today at school. We talked about hot, cold, & warm. We had each type of water and guessed the temperatures. Some understood the concept, some did not. Still was VERY proud of them. The ones with stars got closest or exact guess to the actual temperature. :) Sorry.. had to brag on my babies! 

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