Saturday, April 26, 2014

A little update on Momma & Ty..

Well, everything is still going pretty good. I went back to the doctor on Thursday and my doctor said he wants me to try and make it to 37 weeks to have Ty. I will be 36 tomorrow... So he could be here very soon! So exciting! I will start going to my doctor twice a week now. I go back on Monday! 

While I was there Thursday my blood pressure was a little high, so they sent me back to the Triage for blood work and more monitoring. My blood pressure went down a lot & my blood work came back good! So that was a blessing!!! I did get an ultrasound done while I was there & they said he was looking to weigh about 6 pounds 1 oz!! *Note* I was 5 pounds 15 ounces and was born at 40 weeks exactly. Baby Ty is clearly not taking after Momma! Tyler was 9 pounds. Yikes! Anyways, I had to do a 24 hr urine collection and had to bring it back the next night. It came back great as well! 

So, I am still on bed rest and I am not going to lie, it's been nice. I do get lonely, but I have been watching Sex & the City TV series and when I finish those I will begin Full House! I know, quite the opposite. Tyler has been absolutely amazing during this! He cooks, cleans, checks on me all the time. I am the luckiest girl in the whole wide world!!

I do want to thank a few people who have provided dinner for us! My mom made us several meals to last us for a while! Tyler's mom has made us dinners as well. My friend, Courtney, made us two breakfast casseroles. Our friends, Michael & Erin, brought us a meal tonight. We received a gift card to my favorite (Zaxbys) from Mrs. Loretta, a sweet woman that works with my mom. And Sunday night we have some sweet teachers from Coosada (2nd Grade Green Pod--y'all rock!) who are bringing us dinner!! Thank you so much to everyone from doing that--means so much to us!!! 

I have felt so loved during this entire pregnancy and I am so thankful for all the love and prayers I have received!!! All the texts, Facebook messages, etc. mean the world!!! Ty will be here soon & I cannot wait for everyone to meet him! 

Monday, April 21, 2014

A lot of resting ahead...

I am just doing a quick update to discuss my appointment today. 

Last weekend I started having some major swelling in my feet & mild swelling in my face. This morning I was not feeling like myself, so I got the nurse at school to check my blood pressure. Needless to say, it was pretty high. It was 150/90. Luckily I already had my 35 week appointment scheduled for today. I get to my appointment & my blood pressure had gone up to 152/90, and they had me rest on my left side to check it again. My nurse came in & said they wanted to send me to the hospital and do some blood work there. I get to the hospital & my blood pressure had skyrocketed to 173/92. And they hooked me up to the monitors to watch Baby Ty's heart and my blood pressure. Thankfully he looked perfect, but my doctor was concerned about Momma. They did blood work and checked my blood pressure every ten minutes. It started to go down, thankfully, and I just had to wait for the blood work results. It turns out I am anemic &  my iron levels are low. My swelling did not go down at all while I was there either. And my blood work had gone down to 134/76--which isn't ideal, but so much better! So I have been put on bed rest until Ty comes & have been told to eat a lot of red meat and protein. I can only drink water, (which is pretty much what I drink, minus the caffeine free coke), some juice, and milk. I am to only get up to shower, fix something to eat, and go to the bathroom. I am not to drive or go anywhere. It will be hard for me to just rest, but I will because I know I need to be healthy and I want Baby Ty to be healthy! Thankfully I have an amazing husband who will do anything and everything for me! And we have awesome parents who are going to cook us some meals as well. I did not think that I would be put on bed rest today, but I am thankful God is giving me this chance to rest! He sure knows I wouldn't do it any other way. I am going to miss my babies at school, but I know they will be in good hands!! I will keep everyone updated. My next appointment is this Thursday!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

6 Weeks and COUNTING!

It has been a while since I wrote on my blog--I have been super duper busy! The pregnancy is coming to an end and it is so bittersweet. I have so many feelings and thoughts--but I am so excited!!! Last time I wrote I was 31 weeks and now I am 34. A lot has happened since then! I had my first experience having to go Labor & Delivery.. not fun! I had a student at school who was running in the hallway & ran straight into my stomach. She hit pretty hard, so I called my doctor & he wanted me to come to Labor & Delivery just to be safe. So they hooked me up to the monitors and monitored Baby Ty's heartbeat and contractions (incase I had any.) Luckily, everything was fine and Baby Ty and I are great. It was scary, but I am so thankful we are okay. Tyler was such a trooper and it gave us a little taste of the drive and nerves going to the hospital! I am so blessed, I have one incredible husband!!!! Ty and I are very lucky!! Here is my update! 

How far along:  34 weeks, 1 day
Maternity clothes: I am rocking the maternity clothes all day, everyday!     
Total weight gain:  Well I started out at 145 and by the end of the 1st Trimester I was at 130. So I lost 15 pounds. I have gained that back, plus a few pounds. I am at 153 now!    
Stretch marks:  Still no stretch marks! Thankfully! :) 
Sleep: I have actually been sleeping pretty good! It takes me a little bit longer to fall asleep, but once I get comfortable--I sleep through the night with exception of my ONE bathroom break. I am praying I can continue to sleep like this for a few more weeks.      
Best moment this week: Well since I blogged the best moment was Spring Break! I NEEDED that week & it was so nice and relaxing! I had a doctors appt and found out Baby Ty was head down AND my placenta was where it needed to be!! Which was a huge change. Looks like as of a now the C-Section will not be needed!!!! Such a blessing! 
Miss anything: I still miss my speed. I got the waddle down now. It takes me longer to get places and to do things! Tyler has been so patient with me, did I mention how wonderful he was???
Movement: Dear gracious, yes. He moves A LOT. And now, the movements are so strong and big. Sometimes they are a little uncomfortable. He likes to roll his entire body from one side to other! 
Food cravings: None really.        
Anything make you sick or queasy:  Well, Baby Ty is taking up more room  so I get fuller quicker and then I get hungry. So I am eating smaller meals--more often. But if I wait too long I get queasy feeling. 
Labor signs: Nope. Just the occasional Braxton Hicks contractions. 
Belly Button in or out:  I just keep waiting for it to go from innie to outie. 
Wedding rings on or off:  Off :( Makes me so sad!!! 
Happy or Moody most of the time: I am so emotional. I feel like I cry all the time!   
Looking forward to:  Tomorrow is my work baby shower & Saturday we are having another 4D ultrasound. We won a free won a few weeks ago & the lady said she wanted to do it again because she didn't like the pictures!! 

Here are some pictures! 
This is a picture from our 1st 4D Ultrasound! He is so perfect! He has the cutest lips EVER!

Sweet student of mine & I on Dr. Seuss Day. He was my Cat in the Hat & Ty and I were Thing 1 and 2! 

Panoramic View of Ty's room! :) 

My sweet husband resting after working in Ty's room! :) 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

60 is the Magic Number.

Sixty days or less. That's the timeframe for Baby Ty! Can you believe that? I know I can't! I cannot believe I am towards the end of my pregnancy. It's been such an amazing experience and I am excited for the last two months! 

How far along:  31 weeks, 3 days
Maternity clothes: Minus two pairs of my regular pants I am in maternity clothes! :) I have only bought one pair of maternity pants & the rest of the clothes were given to me by some awesome friends!    
Total weight gain:  About 14 pounds.   
Stretch marks:  Still no stretch marks! Thankfully! :) 
Sleep: If I do sleep it's a very light sleep. Between not being able to get comfortable, to having to use the restroom constantly--the sleep isn't all that great! But it's part of pregnancy and I am totally okay with that!     
Best moment this week: My baby shower! Some wonderful women from the church gave me a baby shower. It was fun to see everyone & for Baby Ty to get some awesome presents! :)
Miss anything: Speed. It takes me a little bit longer to do everything. Getting out of bed, cleaning, walking, etc. God is teaching me patience.
Movement: It almost seems as if Baby Ty and I are on the same schedule. When I am up and moving--he is active. When it's bed time--he slows down!   
Food cravings: "Bar food" --pizza, wings, mozzerella sticks, fries, onion rings, etc. YUM.       
Anything make you sick or queasy:  Not really. 
Labor signs: Nope. Just the occasional Braxton Hicks contractions. 
Belly Button in or out:  I just keep waiting for it to go from innie to outie. 
Wedding rings on or off:  On during the day, and off at night! 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, Happy, Happy! And I have been all sentimental too.  
Looking forward to:  Monday begins Spring Break!! I look forward to resting & relaxing! Monday I have a OBGYN appointment and I will have a ultrasound to see if my placenta has moved up any. If not, there are chances that I will have a C-section. We shall see! :) 

Until next time, here are some pictures! :) 
Sweet Brick cuddling on my stomach! 💙

       Some pictures of Baby Ty's room. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Old Wives Tales about Gender…True or False

Before we found sweet baby Ty was a he, I loved reading the Old Wives Tales about if I was having a boy or a girl. I thought it would be fun to go back and look at some of them and see which ones were true, and which ones were not. 

Old Wives Tale #1: Heart Rate
If the baby's heart rate is above 140 bpm, it is said that the baby will be a girl. If it is under 140 bpm, then it will be a boy. 
Truth: Baby Ty's heart rate in the beginning was always in the high 160's-170's. Even still, it has been in the 150's.  
Old Wives Tale #12: Shape of Belly
If you are carrying high with a big, round belly, you are having a girl. If you are carrying low with a smaller belly that sticks straight out, it's a boy.
Truth: I feel like I have been carrying pretty low through this pregnancy. 
Old Wives Tale #3: Ring Test
Using a string, hang your wedding ring over your pregnant belly. You are having a girl if the ring swings back and forth and it's a boy if it swings in a circle.
Truth: I totally did this, and according to the ring test I was having a girl. So not the case. 
Old Wives Tale #4: Mayan Tale
The Mayan tale adds the mothers age at conception and the year of conception. If the result is a even number then mom is having a girl. If the result is an odd number then a boy is on the way! 
Truth: 25 + 2013= 2038. Which is an even number, and we are having a boy. 
Old Wives Tale #5: Acne
If you have acne while pregnant, it's a girl. It's thought that acne during pregnancy is caused by the extra hormones.
Truth: I actually did not get any acne during my pregnancy thus far. So maybe this one could be somewhat true. 
Old Wives Tale #6: Cravings
People believe that if you are craving salty foods while pregnant, you can count on having a boy. If you crave sweets, fruit, and orange juice, you are having a little girl.
Truth: I craved both, so I can't really judge this one.  
Old Wives Tale #7: History of Parent's Kids
You can find out the sex by going off of your parent's kids and the order. If you are the first born, you will have what your mother had but starting with her second child. If you are the middle child, you will have what she said, but starting with the third child. If you are the last child, you will have what your mother had in the exact order. I think this tale only works when the parent's had three kids. 
Truth: If we go by my mother, she had all girls--and I having a boy. If we go by Tyler's mother, then it could be true. He was the 1st born, so we go by second child & the second child was a boy. 
Old Wives Tale #8: Moodiness and a Little Pecker
If you are really moody, you are having a girl since you have another extra girl hormones in you. Your pregnancy will make you smile and be more happy if you are having a boy. 
Truth: I have been pretty happy this entire pregnancy, so perhaps this one is also somewhat true. 
Old Wives Tale #9: Chinese Gender Chart
The Chinese Gender Chart claims to have an accuracy rate of over 90%. It is based on how old the mother is at conception and the month that she conceived. 
Truth: The Chinese Gender Chart did say I was having a boy.  
Old Wives Tale #10: Dream of Sex of Baby
If you have dreams that you are having a boy, you will have a girl. If you dream about having a girl, it will be a boy. Dreams show the opposite of what you are having. 
Truth: I CONSTANTLY had dreams that I was having a boy. So I would have to say false on this one. 
Old Wives Tale #11: Clumsy vs. Graceful
If the pregnant woman is graceful throughout her pregnancy, she's having a girl. If she becomes clumsy, she's having a boy. 
Truth: I have been incredibly clumsy during pregnancy. So maybe some truth to it? 
Old Wives Tale #12: Side You Most Rest On
If a pregnant woman prefers to lay on her left side, she's having a boy. If she prefers resting on her right side, she's having a girl. 
Truth: I have slept on my left side pretty much the entire pregnancy. Interesting. 
Old Wives Tale #13: What Do You Think?
71% of the time, the mom-to-be knows what she is having. 
Truth: This is the one I really do believe could be most accurate. I thought boy the entire time. My whole family and friends said girl. Tyler also thought Baby Ty was a girl. Momma's intuition seems to be right!  
Old Wives Tale #14: Morning Sickness
If you had a smooth pregnancy with no morning sickness, it's a boy. If you were sick or felt really nauseous during your pregnancy, count on a girl. 
Truth: I lost 16 pounds from the beginning to about 16 weeks. I was constantly sick and nauseous feeling, so I would say false on this one. 
Old Wives Tale #15: Feet
Are your feet colder now that you are pregnant? If so, you just might be having a boy. If your feet have stayed the same before pregnancy and during, you're having a little girl. 
Truth: My feet have been so much more colder than usual. There is another tale that says boy! 
Old Wives Tale #16: Hands are Dry
If your hands are constantly dry, it's a boy.
Truth: It may have been the fact that I have been pregnant in the winter time, but I swear my skin got so dry! Not just my hands, but all over. Regardless, another check for boy.  
Old Wives Tale #17: Headaches
If you are having headaches, you might be carrying a boy. 
Truth: I had my fair share of headaches, so another tale saying boy.  
Old Wives Tale #18: Baby Names
It is said that when you can only think of specific names for a boy or a girl, you will have that particularly baby. 
Truth: We could only think of girl names before we found out the sex. But, you see we are having a boy. 

So here is a tally of what we were having according to the Old Wives Tales listed above:
Boy- 10
Girl- 6
Could go both ways: 2
All in all I think the Old Wives Tales are just funit was neat to go back and see what ones were true and false! Hope you guys enjoyed this! I will post my bump date later on in the week!! :) Everyone have a great week!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Last post in the TWENTIES...

I am 28 weeks, 3 days and this will be my last post that I will be in the twenties of pregnancy!! My next post I will be 30 weeks. Holy. Guacamole. I cannot believe how fast these past few weeks have flown by. I am so ready to meet Ty. I talk to him all the time, and so does is SO cute. We have a had a great little family of 3. My 26th Birthday was Tuesday and it was such an emotional day. Note to all you pregnant women out there---try not to have a birthday and be pregnant! My hormones were going CRAZY and I cried all day. My mom sent me a text and posted a lot of older pictures.. I cried. Tyler had money waiting for me to get breakfast..I cried. My Chi Omega big sister, Destree, sent me a super sweet text..I cried. My sister, Hannah, posted a sentimental Instagram post..I cried. (P.S. Thank you for a hilarious post did NOT make cry, but made me laugh) Y'all, it was intense. I have gone through my whole pregnancy and NOT had the crazy emotions and all of sudden..IT HIT! Welcome to EMOTIONVILLE, USA Heather! Poor Tyler. So thankful for him. Anyways, here is my weekly/bi-weekly (depending on my mood) questionnaire! :)

How far along:  28 weeks, 3 days
Maternity clothes: Surprisingly I can still wear three of my regular pants, but I do have three maternity pants I wear as well. And my shirts are for the most part all maternity. I do not like the tightness on my stomach. Yuck!   
Total weight gain:  About 12 pounds.   
Stretch marks:  I am so thankful that I am still good in this department. My skin is super dry though, so I am still using Coca Butter all the time.  
Sleep: Eh, the bump is getting bigger therefore my back is hurting more & it is getting tougher to get comfy. Oh well, preparing me for when Baby Ty is here.     
Best moment this week: Being the Birthday Girl, I felt so special & loved. So thankful for amazing husband, family, & friends.  
Miss anything: Not really.     
Movement: Baby Ty is a mover! He moves when I am active or Tyler & I are talking. He also has started to "play" with Tyler. Tyler will be talking to him & push my stomach and Ty will push back. They are already best friends and it is super cute!   
Food cravings: I actually have. I always just put ham on my sandwiches--but for some reason I have been wanting mustard AND mayo on my sandwiches. And for those of you that know me…you know that is a big deal. I also have been craving fried okra & fried green tomatoes. Who knows? Oh, I also have REALLLLLLY wanted some Kripsy Kreme donuts. So if anyone ever wants to make my day…I like the glazed kind. :)      
Anything make you sick or queasy:  Today in the office someone had some garlic bread and it made me feel icky. It was VERY strong smell too. 
Labor signs: No--little early for that one. I am still having the Braxton Hicks contractions every now & then. 
Belly Button in or out:  I just keep waiting for it to go from innie to outie. 
Wedding rings on or off:  On--- but my fingers swell when I get hot & with this warm weather I am sure the day will come when I take them off.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have already addressed this one. Emotionville, USA. Geez. But when I am not all emotional..I am very happy!  
Looking forward to:  SPRING BREAK. This momma needs a BREAK! 

Ty's Dresser 
Ty's Carseat I got for my
Birthday from Mom! :) 
Some of Baby Ty's clothes! :) 

Ty's Bedding & Crib

This was just a fun activity we did today at school. We talked about hot, cold, & warm. We had each type of water and guessed the temperatures. Some understood the concept, some did not. Still was VERY proud of them. The ones with stars got closest or exact guess to the actual temperature. :) Sorry.. had to brag on my babies! 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Baby Ty Bumpdate!

Helloooooo 3rd and FINAL trimester!!! I cannot believe I am in the last trimester! I had the glucose test today-- the drink wasn't as bad as I thought. Tasted like a flat sunkist! I will know in a week if I passed! 

How far along:  27 weeks, 3 days
Maternity clothes: Some maternity pants & shirts! Cannot wear my tshirts-- they are too tight and sooo not comfy!  
Total weight gain:  I have gain 11 pounds!  
Stretch marks:  Still blessed in this department. 
Sleep: I am actually getting some sleep lately! It has been nice.   
Best moment this week: Watching my stomach move. Oh my goodness, it's so neat & exciting!!! :) Oh, and getting my hair cut! I got about 5-6 inches off!! 
Miss anything: Salad. I haven't been able to eat it since I got pregnant & I miss a good salad!    
Movement: My sweet boy is so active!! I love it so much. He recognizes Tyler's voice and moves when he hears him! So sweet!! They already have a special bond.  
Food cravings: I haven't had any really.    
Anything make you sick or queasy:  Really strong cleaning supplies have been giving me a headache!  
Labor signs: No--little early for that one. But I have started having a few Braxton Hicks Contractions--- I thought it was just gas! Haha
Belly Button in or out:  I just keep waiting for it to go from innie to outie. 
Wedding rings on or off:  On--- but my fingers swell when I get hot & with this warm weather I am sure the day will come when I take them off.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I am happy! :) A little emotional too. We were watching a show & the daughter was graduating High School--- I started crying. And got all emotional about Ty graduating one day. Really???? And it doesn't help my baby sister is graduating too. 
Looking forward to:  The next appointment I have an ultrasound! Eek! Cannot wait to see our baby boy! Tyler & I are so excited!!

Hello short hair!!!!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Last post before the THIRD trimester..

Well it was my first full week of work and I am EXHAUSTED. Good gracious, I forgot what a full week was like. It was nice to be back into a steady routine though. We had the 100th day of school on Friday!! This year is flying by. Anyways, here is the weekly bump date.. I have a question at the bottom! Would love to hear anyones thoughts. Message me on Facebook or just comment on here. 

How far along:  25 weeks, 5 days
Maternity clothes: Wellllll, I purchased my 1st pair of maternity pants. They are so comfy--BUT I can still wear some normal bottoms! :)    
Total weight gain:  About 11 pounds. 
Stretch marks:  Still blessed in this department. 
Sleep: I still get up about 4-5 times a night to go to the bathroom..BUT I am actually able to fall right back asleep after. Which is an improvement  
Best moment this week: Celebrating the 100th Day of School with my kiddos! They were so excited! :) 69 days left til the last day of school, which means 64 days or less for me.   
Miss anything: Nothing really.   
Movement: My little mover, I love it. This is for sure my FAVORITE part of pregnancy. Its so special.  
Food cravings: I haven't had any really.    
Anything make you sick or queasy:  I love being able to say no to this one, it is nice to not be sick all the time.  
Labor signs: No--little early for that one.
Belly Button in or out:  I just keep waiting for it to go from innie to outie. 
Wedding rings on or off:  On, I was taking them off at night, but I haven't had to lately.  
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy, happy, happy!
Looking forward to:  3rd Trimester! Cannot believe it is almost time for it.   

Speaking of 3rd Trimester--Any advice/suggestions/things to know about the 3rd trimester?? Let me know! 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Surviving the Blizzard of 2014.

Well, looks like we survived the Blizzard of 2014. PRAISE THE LORD! I am so happy to see the snow melt & go away! We definitely have to go grocery shopping. I have definitely emptied our pantry & fridge. Whoopsies. Anyways, we are still just trucking along. Still loving being pregnant! Here's the update… 

How far along:  24 weeks, 3 days
Maternity clothes: Still about the same as before--maternity shirts, some pants.   
Total weight gain:  About 8 pounds.
Stretch marks:  Fingers crossed, still no stretch marks!
Sleep:  What's that??? Ok, I may be a little dramatic on that..but for real, I haven't been sleeping a lot. It stinks.  
Best moment this week: Realizing how blessed I am. We had the Blizzard of 2014, and as much as I hated being in house for three days straight & not being able to get out--I remembered there were so many people stranded in their cars, school, work, etc. And I was at least home with my husband and dogs. Definitely could have been worse. I am very lucky!  
Miss anything: Red Bull. I would love one!   
Movement: Sweet baby Ty is so active & healthy! Makes for a happy Mommy & Daddy. He is going crazy as we speak. His kicks have gotten stronger too! **See video at bottom** 
Food cravings: None.   
Anything make you sick or queasy:  Nope 
Labor signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out:  Flat. 
Wedding rings on or off:  On, but I have been taking my ring off at night. I've been getting hot in the middle of night, so my fingers swell. 
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Well, a little grumpy over the weather! I am so READY FOR SOME BEACH WEATHER!!!!!!
Looking forward to:  My routine. I miss it so!!!!  

24 Weeks

Hollan Jayne's Birthday Party

Snow Day :) 

Here is Baby Ty kicking. You can see him kick the remote at the end. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pregnancy--the good, the bad, & the ugly.

I will do my weekly "bumpdate" on Saturday, but I thought it would be fun to do the good, the bad, & the ugly of far!

We will start with the UGLY.

1) Having absolutely NO appetite during the 1st Trimester was AWFUL. I had people trying to shove food down my throat because you're pregnant & you're eating for two now BUT I COULD NOT EAT. That was brutal. 
2) The lack of sleep lately--I LOVE my sleep & I know sleep as it know will be no more, but come on now…can't I adjust closer to Ty's delivery?? PAHLEASEEEEEE!
3) The vomiting at the beginning was also super lame. Seriously? I would brush my teeth and then BLAHHHHHH. And then I would have to brush my teeth A G A I N and pray the entire time I wouldn't throw up again. LUCKILY I did not throw up near as much as some women do in their pregnancy. 
4) The flu already is no fun. Imagine the flu AND being pregnant. It was EXHAUSTING. And of course everyone says did you not get the flu shot?? YES, I got the flu shot--but it doesn't protect you from every strand of the flu…DUH! Regardless, FLU + PREGNANCY= MISERABLE. No matter the amount of Netflix movies, Real Housewives episodes, and Food Network you watch, it is no fun. 
5) This one is the ugliest. And has been consistent my entire pregnancy. My breast. GOOD GOLLIE. (Sorry if any men read this, but it is a factor) I mean I never knew they could hurt so bad. And when I say hurt, I mean you could have cut one of them off and they'd still feel the same. And no, that is NOT a challenge to anyone--I am totally being dramatic, but they really do hurt. It has been the WORST part of pregnancy so far. 

On to the bad…these are not great, but not the end of the world either.  

1) The food/drinks you are not supposed to have during pregnancy. I miss raw sushi. I also miss the occasionally glass of wine especially on those rough, full moon schools days…I know my teacher friends can't relate. Luckily with the soda I was able to adjust to the caffeine free coke, so I did not struggle too terribly with lowering my coke intake. I do miss the Red Bull though. Even though I miss these things, IT IS WORTH IT! 
2) The food aversions. I have not been able to eat two of my favorite things since I have been pregnant--and it makes me sad. Mac & Cheese and a salad. Just something I haven't been able to eat without keeping it down. Sad day. 
3) The "pregnancy police" that watch your EVERY move and COMMENT on your EVERY move. I cannot believe you are having a Pepsi  or You are not eating enough or Don't lift that cereal box--it is too heavy (okay that one I made up, but you get the point)
4. If I know you well enough that you would not care that I randomly touch your belly, then you can randomly touch mine. BUT--if we are not very close and I don't even know your phone number, PLEASE don't just start rubbing my belly. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I know I am SoOoO cute, but please, at least ask! 
5) Everyone's views on how I should look at each week. This one annoyed me the most. Are you SURE your pregnant? Nope. Made it ALL up. OH MY GOSH, you just BLEW up over night! Oh, why thank you--and here I was thinking I looked great. I understand I may not look how you looked at each week, but I don't need it to be addressed. E V E R Y  S I N G L E  D A Y ! 

***Please do not think I am being rude by #4 & #5--I know people mean well, I am just sharing my thoughts***

Now for GOOD!

1) In general I LOVEEEE being pregnant. It has been amazing so far. 
2) Being able to eat one two three popsicles in one setting. 
3) The baby kicks..OH. MY. GOSH. I love them. I could lay in bed ALL night and feel them. 
4) The bond I already feel with Ty. I cannot wait til the day I get to hold him in my arms
5) The glow and happiness I feel. 
6) The AMAZING bond and how much more closer it has brought Tyler & me. I am SO lucky and blessed to have an amazing man by my side. 
7) The fact that in four months I will be a mommy and Tyler will be a daddy. We are both nervous, but know God will guide us. 

There are so many more GOOD, but these are the top. 

I hope you enjoyed my good, bad, & ugly of my pregnancy so far. Let me know what you think! 
